Monday 3 February 2014

The best advice on job searching I have ever received.

I've had a lot of trouble finding a good job search strategy that works for me. The roads in the world of unemployment are paved with good advice, bad advice, and even more advice, which makes it all the more confusing. "Think outside the box", "Be creative", and "Use your network" are just a few of the classics. So completely stressed out and in tears, I called up my best friend. This was his advice:

Write two job application in a week. Next week you write two job application that are better than the week before.

It's the simplest and best advice on job searching I've ever recieved. I have learned so much from simply just focusing on written job applications:

You remember forgotten skills and work experience
I was amazed how much I have done in my field of work - and how much I had forgotten. Reading job descriptions and matching my skills to the specific requirements is a great way to remember past job tasks.

You quickly improve your "work lingo"
My focus has usually been on the job - not what category it fell into. Writing job applications has improved my "work lingo" by miles and I now write terms like "digital marketing" and "project management" without feeling flustered and wrong. As it turns out, speaking "job" is a very useful skill.

What is the best job advice you have received?

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